Dnes 21.1.2011 slaví Brad svoje 3. narozeniny. Přejeme mu hodně zdraví, radosti a spoustu nových, krásných, společných zážitků.
CACIB Glogów
This morning we went to an exhibition in the Polish Glogów. Since it was announced ice, so we left it at half past five in the morning. Cesta byla celkem v pohodě, dorazili jsme půl hodiny před začátkem posuzování. Výstava se konala na velmi stísněném prostoru, kruhy byly malé a natěsnané na sobě. Prostor kolem kruhů byl minimální….
CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS 2010 – Top Hotel Praha
Saturday 15.1.2011 took Champion of Champions competition in Prague. We apply for registration at the last minute, Lucy hesitated since, because the same day took place on Superstar audition and she was registered. Finally, we arranged, that the competition will undergo,
Saturday 16.10.2010 We went to an exhibition in Komarno. We wanted to try to judge from the U.S. (Helene Nietsch). The weather was fine and the atmosphere at the show was great. Lucy have some exercise with a second place Brad and then added
After a perilous journey, full of nerves, thereafter, if we “betrayed” navigation, We arrived with considerable delay in Celje on the venue of the exhibition. Although at the last moment, category, but the veteran champion and fortunately we managed to. Luck ran out of breath and a circle with the number still in hand,